paul shapiro, hsus lobbyist
paul shapiro, hsus lobbyist
dr. michael greger, hsus researcher
dr. michael greger, hsus researcher
heather katcher, registered dietician pcrm
heather katcher, registered dietician pcrm
aaron fuchs, wagshals butcher
aaron fuchs, wagshals butcher
deb klein, soybean and corn farmer
deb klein, soybean and corn farmer
dr. david morris, biotechnologist
dr. david morris, biotechnologist
katherine english, lobbyist for the fertilizer institute
katherine english, lobbyist for the fertilizer institute
paul shapiro, hsus lobbyistthis is a brief clip from a 30 minute video.conversation with a humane society lobbyist.
dr. michael greger, hsus researcherthis is a brief clip from a 30 minute video.conversation with a humane society researcher.
heather katcher, registered dietician pcrmthis is a brief clip from a 30 minute video.conversation with a registered dietician.
aaron fuchs, wagshals butcher this is a brief clip from a 30 minute video.conversation with a butcher from washington, dc.
deb klein, soybean and corn farmerthis is a brief clip from a 30 minute video.conversation with a 5,000 acre soybean and corn farmer from illinois.
dr. david morris, biotechnologistthis is a brief clip from a 30 minute video.conversation with a biotechnologist in washington, dc.
katherine english, lobbyist for the fertilizer institutethis is a brief clip from a 30 minute video.conversation with a lobbyist for the fertilizer institute in washington, dc.
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